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    类型:限制级 导演:罗杰·沃特金斯


    地区:美国 年代:1979更新:2018-09-17 14:40:26

    简介:The cinema history is full of directors using an alias to make some smut. Or to protect themselves for being in the porn industry. The name Richard Ma…

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    The cinema history is full of directors using an alias to make some smut. Or to protect themselves for being in the porn industry. The name Richard Mahler maybe doesn't ring a bell but when I say that his real name is Roger Watkins then I guess that those horror buffs will be moved. yes, the director of a cult classic "The Last House On Dead End Street" that he made under the alias Victor Janos. Watkins only directed 8 porn films between 1979 and 1980. The time that the porn industry was at his best. It's all a bit strange because he hated the industry and wanted to make porn without f***ing, naturally that doesn't work and he was rejected from the non porn industry so he had to bring some money in and wrote those 8 flicks that became classics. The most famous were Midnight Heat and Corruption both with Jamie Gillis. Still he shot the close-ups and hardcore in his own films realizing he imbedded on freaky people and weird situations. Her Name Was Lisa was his first attempt and appeared in 1979 in the NYC grindhouses. Of course made back then it really had a story and this here isn't your usual porn flick. It follows the life of massage girl Lisa who's being discovered by a photographer. But he has no money and Lisa is sponsored by a promoter. She gets involved in the promoter's sex life but things go wrong when friends of him rapes her while he's watching. She slips in a bizarre world of kinky sex and drugs. It's all shown in a special way. When she's drugged the camera uses extreme close-ups with special lenses and the sound of voices is pitched down while we here if I'm not wrong a Led Zeppelin song. It was a very heavy flick to watch and due that reason the films he made afterwards were lighter. The porn itself is filmed with extremely close-ups of butt licking and pussy shots. Still it's the story that kept you watching. They all had an acting ability. Just watch Samantha Fox (Lisa) how her face changes from a role model towards a junkie. The weird thing is that IMDb says it clocks in at 67 minutes, other say 70 minutes. Mine clocked in at 89 minutes. I don't know if I have a really uncut version. I must say that the scene when she's under heroin and is having triple sex goes on and on. Mine was a VHS version, I do know it's available on DVD at 70 minutes. Still, those XXX flicks from the seventies do show how girls do look in real life. They do have curves and aren't living skeletons like nowadays. They act normal at work and do not fake groaning and moaning like it's done today. They did have a storyline and had good tunes in it (here we even have Kraftwerk in it). Maybe they were a bit hairy back then but they looked real with B-cup juggs and not those blown fake plastic dolls like nowadays. Yes, I like the old stuff, still, they are so hard to find...


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      春春(潘春春 饰)单纯善良,和男友小强(郑龙 饰)交往多年,两人感情一直十分要好。然而,两人的恋情却屡屡遭到老板和好姐妹的阻挠和破坏,最终,这段纯洁的感情不得已以分手告终。 可可(邢美美 饰)拥有着姣好的容貌和性感火辣的身材,她是一个实用主义者,信奉金钱至上的人生信条。只要能够得到金钱的回报,她愿意付出一切代价,甚至出卖自己的肉体。小A(朱盈盈 饰)生性好妒,占有欲极强,她想要而得不到的东西,宁愿将其破坏殆尽,也不甘心拱手让给他人。命运将三个性格各异的女孩连系到了一起,她们相互扶持,相互伤害,在不断做出选择的过程中,三人终将迎来命运既定的结局。


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